People And Water In Egypt

People And Water In Egypt


Alya El-Marakby & Saker El-Nour

57.50 ر.س People and Water in Egypt is an edited volume that takes an interdisciplinary approach to critically examine contemporary water issues in Egypt. The chapters offer a range of theoretical, empirical, and anthropological contributions covering water distribution within rural and urban areas, transboundary water politics, and issues around drinking water and irrigation. As the case studies will demonstrate, water infrastructures reveal so much about historical power dynamics across time and space. Water is simultaneously natural, chemical, geopolitical, social, and cultural. We hope that after finishing this book, the reader will have a better understanding of how water issues in Egypt are anything but straightforward. المزيد من التفاصيل
نبذه عن الكتاب

People and Water in Egypt is an edited volume that takes an interdisciplinary approach to critically examine contemporary water issues in Egypt. The chapters offer a range of theoretical, empirical, and anthropological contributions covering water distribution within rural and urban areas, transboundary water politics, and issues around drinking water and irrigation. As the case studies will demonstrate, water infrastructures reveal so much about historical power dynamics across time and space. Water is simultaneously natural, chemical, geopolitical, social, and cultural. We hope that after finishing this book, the reader will have a better understanding of how water issues in Egypt are anything but straightforward.

تفاصيل الكتاب
  • ردمك (ISBN):9789778213448
  • تأليف:Alya El-Marakby & Saker El-Nour
  • دار النشر:صفصافة للنشر والتوزيع
  • التصنيف:العلوم الاجتماعية والسياسية
  • اللغة:الإنجليزية
  • سنة النشر:2023
  • عدد الصفحات:244
  • الغلاف:تغليف ورقي
  • الوزن (كجم):0.50
ردمك (ISBN)9789778213448
دار النشرصفصافة للنشر والتوزيع
التصنيفالعلوم الاجتماعية والسياسية
سنة النشر2023
عدد الصفحات244
الغلافتغليف ورقي
الوزن (كجم)0.50

كتب ذات صلة

52.15 ر.س

كتب لنفس البائع

45.00 ر.س
35.00 ر.س
21.20 ر.س
39.40 ر.س
18.53 ر.س
44.26 ر.س